
At OLGC, there are numerous opportunities for school parents to volunteer your time and energy. We need your help in many ways throughout the school year.


Our Volunteer Policy:

Parents and adults are encouraged to volunteer. All volunteers must complete the required background check and Virtus training session. Visit the Volunteering with Children webpage for more information. For more in-depth information, please visit the Catholic Diocese of Arlington - Office of Child Protection


Volunteer Opportunities at School

For safety and security of our students, all school visitors (volunteers, parents, etc.) must sign in at the  Lobby Guard Kiosk in the the school front entrance with a driver's license. All visitors and volunteers are required to wear a badge that is printed at the Kiosk .  You must also sign out at the Kiosk as you leave the school.

The school relies on your volunteer support. We ask that you follow through on tasks by attending the scheduled times and giving notice of absence whenever possible.

A volunteer operates in a position of trust. Personal information pertaining to students must be kept confidential. Children’s actions, responses, progress, or problems at school are not for sharing in the community. Conversations between parents, teachers, and students in the school are confidential. Volunteers should not discuss these conversations outside of school. Refer any concerns to the Administration.

Our Lady of Good Counsel has specific expectations for student dress. Although volunteers do not have a dress code requirement, it is expected that volunteers reflect the image of Our Lady of Good Counsel School and wear modest clothing while working in the school or during school activities.

The Administration of Our Lady of Good Counsel School is accountable for facilitating, monitoring, evaluating, and providing continuity for the success of the volunteer program. The staff is committed to welcoming volunteers, informing them about their tasks, encouraging their initiatives, and celebrating their efforts.

School volunteers are expected to adhere to school rules and procedures, perform assigned tasks to the best of their ability, work cooperatively with all staff, and seek clarification when necessary. Volunteers are not allowed to be alone with a student at any time. Children’s restrooms are not to be used by volunteers or visitors. There are adult restrooms located in the building.

Please be proactive when supervising the children. Problems should be referred to the teacher(s) on duty or the office should be notified as soon as possible.